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[Eng] 1. Should we wear face masks?

by happyso3 2020. 7. 7.

BBC Learning English / 6Minute English



BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Should we wear a face mask?

Is wearing a face mask necessary?




  • epidemic: 전염병
  • come into contact with: (물리적인) 접촉하다
  • plagues: 역병, 흑사병
  • medieval: 중세(middle ages)
  • wearer: the person wearing something
  • equivocal: not clear and seeming to have two opposing meanings
  • throw back: 되돌리다
  • heated debate: discussion or argument in which people become angry and excited
  • it stands to reason: 누가 봐도 명백하다, 도리에 맞다
  • droplet: 방울
  • emit: 방출하다
  • interpret: 해석하다
  • up until recently: 최근까지
  • carer: 간병인
  • outweigh: 무겁게 하다
  • mask shaming: criticising, mocking or humiliationg someone for not wearing a face covering
  • in turn: 차례차례, 결국
  • incident: 사건
  • mock: 놀리다, 조롱하다
  • drawback: 약점


It is heated debate whether good or not wearing face masks in the Covid-19 epidemic.

It stands to reason, wearing masks is beneficial because it can prevent the disease spreading by reducing droplet emitting from careers caughing

But some suggest the opposite.
It can commits a false sense of security to people. It's not enough to wearing masks. We also wash hands quite frequently.

and it also have negative effects like mask shaming.